Stuart SchlossmanAdditional MS resource sites, An MS Patients Story

Stu (me) was also at this summit but is relying on the others who attended for their write-ups of the program. (time does have it’s boundaries).


Written by: Lisa Lyon Dasis  04.15.14 

I just returned home from a trip to Boston for a MS Bloggers Summit hosted by EMD Serono and Pfizer Inc.  A question was asked to those of us who attended, “What gives you strength to blog?” My answer was fast, God, and family, but thinking about that question a little more, my answer is more complex. The fact is that God, faith, and family is where I get my strength to want to speak out but I also want to encourage every person who suffers with Multiple Sclerosis. It is important for you to know that I share experiences and knowledge of what I have been through so whether you are newly diagnosed or if your condition is deteriorating, I have been where you are.

If you have watched my video about what makes me want to move or read any of my stories, you may say that I seem to be doing pretty good. That is true in many situations, but there have been times when my condition was really serious, medications were not working, and have been in a wheel chair and unable to make any sense when trying to communicate. Bladder and Bowel incontinence, slurred speech, and major cognitive disorders were just the tip of the ice burg. I have experienced the job loss, wanting to work but unable which is still very difficult for me to accept. Depression and anxiety is always just a snap of the finger away, if I would let it be, but it is a daily fight to stay positive and push forward no matter what type of day that I am experiencing. My motto is I may have MS but MS doesn’t have me. I fight hard to not let this disease consume my life and not let it interfere with me living a good life.
For each of us that attended this summit, we all pretty much want to share not only our experiences, but provided as much educational material, tips which have helped us in different situations, and also motivate you to do all you can do to keep your body healthy through all of it. It was an honor to be among such an elite group of people who have been reaching out to everyone for quite some time, and found it funny that I was there since my blog only started 9 months ago. Really I am just an infant in this process and still learning ways to connect to many of my readers. Being a very simple person, my writing is also presented in a simple way.  It is my goal that what I present is easily understood and motivates you to search for correct answers to your questions and helps you down a path that I have already walked. You are not alone! I encourage you to communicate with me, ask questions, suggest topics that you would like to hear about. All of us who blog do this because we want to use our voice to help.
I want to thank EMD Serono and Pfizer for hosting a great Summit and for all the work they do for the MS Community. It was a privilege to be included with your work to improve your social media and enjoyed visiting your site and learning all the work you are doing to improve the quality of lives with all of us living with MS, so thank you. To all of the great people who has MS who attended, I enjoyed meeting you all and wish you great luck with your future blogging and assistance to everyone who suffers from this crazy disease.

Lisa can be contacted on Facebook

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