About the International Organization of MS Nurses (IOMSN)

Stuart SchlossmanAdditional MS resource sites

Company Profile

ounded on May 30, 1997, International Organization of Multiple Sclerosis Nurses (IOMSN) is the first and only international organization focusing solely on the needs and goals of professional nurses, anywhere in the world, who care for people with multiple sclerosis. Mentoring, educating, networking, sharing – the IOMSN supports nurses in their continuing effort to offer hope.
Mission Statement

The mission of the IOMSN is the establishment and perpetuation of a specialized branch of nursing in multiple sclerosis; to establish standards of nursing care in multiple sclerosis; to support multiple sclerosis nursing research; and to educate the health care community about multiple sclerosis; and to disseminate this knowledge throughout the world.

The ultimate goal of the IOMSN is to improve the lives of all those persons affected by multiple sclerosis through the provision of appropriate healthcare services and to make hope happen!

Facilitate the development of a specialized branch of nursing in multiple sclerosis.
1. Develop and maintain a mechanism by which members can share information on practice positions and resources.
2. Establish the IOMSN as a forum for discussion and collaborations on issues that concern multiple sclerosis nurses.
3. Serve as a resource for external organizations related to multiple sclerosis practice issues.
4. Promote IOMSN recognition in the healthcare arena and encourage participation with other nursing organizations.
5. Share information on research activities among members.
Establish standards of nursing care in multiple sclerosis.
1. Review practice patterns in MS care and communicate this information to the IOMSN membership and partnering organizations.
2. Facilitate the development of a core curriculum for multiple sclerosis nursing.
Support multiple sclerosis research.
1. Encourage research activities that contribute to the development of a sound theoretical basis for MS practice.
2. Recommend topics for educational sessions at IOMSN meetings.
Educate the healthcare community about multiple sclerosis.
1. Promote communication among the IOMSN membership via things such as the newsletter and the web site.
2. Facilitate internal and external communication about multiple sclerosis care and research.
Learn more of the IOMSN – Click here: http://www.iomsn.org/

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