Mental Coaching Can Boost Multiple Sclerosis Patients’ Quality of Life

Stuart SchlossmanMisc. MS Related

Patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) can use mental visual imaging training to improve well being, according to findings published in Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience.   

Researchers from the University of Strasbourg in France studied 40 MS patients being trained in mental visual imagery programs in order to determine the effects of the program on the patients’ quality of life. Each patient was receiving regular drug therapy and was additionally being evaluated for disease progression throughout the study by clinical examination.   The patients were screened for brain abnormalities using MRI at the beginning of the study to confirm that significant signs of atrophy were acknowledged. 

The patients were coached in mental visual imagery training surrounding two primary focus points: autobiographical memory, the ability to recall personal details from a specific location and time frame, and episodic future thinking, the ability to imagine personal details as they might happen in the future.

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