Ready set go: MS5000 – this 50 day journey began on Saturday Sept 1st

Stuart SchlossmanFUNDRAISING, MS Educational Programs, MS in Rural America, Multiple Sclerosis

A note from Paul Pelland (LongHaulPaul) to his bike riders

August 31, 2018
Hello and thank you for registering for the 2018 MS5000
Motorcycle fundraising challenge.

Fundraising is off to a good start, we have over $2000 raised even before we
start riding! Awesome.

Here is a little more about where our efforts are going and why for the first
time in years I am excited about the money we are going to raise through this

Over the past 5 years we have raised over $100,000 for an organization that has
been difficult to work with and unwilling to help promote or even mention the
efforts we have done on their behalf. After losing thousands of dollars in
donations two years in a row and never bothering to even credit our event, I
was discouraged and had decided not to do the MS5000 this year. I began
searching for a new MS charity that wanted our money and even better, would be
willing to work with me in a variety of ways. At the very least, answer my
emails! I spent two years researching, visiting and talking to a handful of
organizations before choosing the right one.

This year we are riding and raising money for MS Views and News, an
organization that delivers free unbiased educational programs and services to
people living with MS and their families. I have personally spent many hours
discussing my goals and ideas for MS programs and presentations with them as
well have already begun to speak at events for this charity.

For the last 6 years, I have been traveling around the country as an advocate,
sharing my story to patients at pharmaceutical sponsored events and I believe I
have made a difference in the lives of many newly diagnosed as well as those
who had given up on life, letting this disease get the better of them. I always
seek out the people who look to need the most encouragement and often stay
until I have answered every question they have. Knowing I made a difference,
even if in just one person’s day, is an incredible feeling that propels me to
continue sharing my story and inspiring others to overcome their challenges as
well. Helping others along their path is what drives me to continue my

These pharmaceutical events I speak at usually take place in bigger cities and
places easily accessible by the neurologists and drug representatives, and
quite frankly where patients receive better care. Each time I visit a smaller
town or area of the country where there is not an MS center or population to
support such educational programs, I am stunned at the level of disability,
lack of information regarding new therapies and quite frankly, a loss of hope;
hope of any future worth living for. My FDA approved speech is watered down and
after the lawyers and compliance agents get a hold of it, loses much of my

I have so much more to offer and want to do so much more. I have been
struggling to find a place where I can use my real story, my humor and visuals
to engage and inspire on a much different level. MS Views and News has let me
create and deliver a powerful and entertaining presentation without
restrictions and sees the value having me present at their events will bring to
their organization. So, this is why I am excited that my efforts, and your
efforts during this event will be used to make a real and measurable difference
in patients lives that I will be able to see with my own eyes.

The money we are raising this year will go towards a new initiative called The
Ride to Reach Rural America, where together with MS Views and News, we will be
reaching people in remote and rural areas, providing unbiased and unbranded
patient programs along the backroads of America, delivering education,
inspiration and hope where it is truly needed most.

Thank you for taking part, riding and raising money for this cause.

Please Donate to a MS5000 Rider –

Paul Pelland

Paul  Pelland
Chasing the Cure
A Million Mile Journey for MS


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