Benefits of Tai Chi for Multiple Sclerosis

Stuart SchlossmanComplementary & Alternative therapies and devices for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

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Tai Chi, also called Tai Chi Chuan, is an ancient Chinese martial art that has evolved into a multiple-element form of exercise, featuring slow, gentle, dance-like movements that encourage deep breathing and relaxation, improve balance, and strengthen muscles and joints. I’ve heard Tai Chi referred to as “meditation in motion.” One benefit of Tai Chi is that is doesn’t require any special clothing or equipment. It is one of the mind-body therapies in complementary and alternative medicine that begins where you are and doesn’t push you beyond your abilities, but does encourage you to explore the edges of your comfort zones.

How Does Tai Chi Help MS?

Several studies have examined the effect of Tai Chi on different aspects of living with MS and its symptoms. In a systematic review of the literature, researchers found evidence that supports the effectiveness of Tai Chi on improving quality of life and functional balance in people living with MS patients. A small number of studies also reported the positive effect of Tai Chi on flexibility, leg strength, gait, and pain. The effect of Tai Chi on fatigue, however, is inconsistent across studies.

Tai Chi and Quality of Life in MS

Quality of life (QOL) is a helpful measurement in MS studies because it encompasses physical, material, social, and emotional well-being, as well as personal development and physical and social activity. Five studies examining the effect of Tai Chi on QOL in MS were included in this systematic review. In general, MS patients who engaged in Tai Chi sessions over three- to twelve-week time periods experienced significant improvements on subscales of QOL such as pain, emotional well-being, energy, vitality, social function, health distress, physical health, mental health, and overall QOL.

Tai Chi and Physical Function in MS


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