I found a way to overcome the grief of learning my condition in 1998, and turned it into a positive as I continue my “drive” to help others learn more of the disease, resources, therapies to treat, and to show the desire to LIVE better while dealing with this #chronicdisease called #MultipleSclerosis
YES, daily I live with my own battles of this illness, yet still, I push forward to help others too.
This is a reason why MS Views and News needs your help.
I am Simply asking each of you for $10.00 .. This will enable our organization to continue to provide our programs of Physical Therapy (PT), Mental Wellness Chat, Pilates, our other Wellness events, our Town Hall Q&A sessions and so much more. Your donations will help us to reach people who have not had knowledge to help them to learn more of MS and in-turn it will help them to do more, for themselves and others around them.
Please help me / MS Views and News. Please give $10.00!
Thank you
Stuart Schlossman
President MS Views and News / AND an MS Patient.