With Regards to Tecfidera

Stuart SchlossmanOral MS Medications

After the recent news of PML being found in a Tecfidera patient from Europe, a health care clinician wanted to share some information:

My recommendation as of now is that all patients starting on Tecfidera be tested for the presence of antibodies to the JC virus and , if present, be warned that PML is a possibility…especially (historically) if there has been prior treatment with Cytoxan, Imuran, Methotrexate, CellCept, or even long term high dose steroids.

 While on Tecfidera, patients should be monitored for the presence of these antibodies at least annually. 

 This is not a formal recommendation but one which is being made effective immediately to all prescribers and persons taking this particular medication.

Cherie C. Binns RN BS MSCN

Disclaimer: Cherie Binns, RN BS MSCN, is  writing on her own accord. Stu’s Views and MS News had no input into the information being shared.

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