Why are some people reluctant to start treatment for Multiple Sclerosis?

Stuart SchlossmanMS Drug Therapies

Absence of symptoms — A person whose symptoms have disappeared may not see any reason to start treatment. However, the research shows that the disease can be causing significant, irreversible damage in the CNS even if you aren’t experiencing any symptoms at this time.
Fear of needles — Many people hate needles. However, the manufacturers of these medications offer support programs to help you learn how to self-inject comfortably, and effective tools are available to help with self-injection anxiety.
Expense — All of these medications are expensive and insurance coverage varies considerably from one insurance plan to another. However, each of the manufacturers offers a financial assistance program to help ensure that anyone whose physician has prescribed the medication can access it.
Fear of side effects — Each of these medications has side effects, and some people — particularly those whose MS symptoms are mild or in remission — may hesitate to take a medication that may make them feel worse rather than better. However, your physician or nurse and the support program offered by the manufacturer of your medication can give your tips and strategies to reduce the side effects and make them more manageable. Most side effects diminish over time.
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