What to Do When Cold Weather Worsens MS Symptoms

Stuart SchlossmanMultiple Sclerosis (MS) Symptoms

Cold weather aggravates fatigue and spasticity for some with MS, but that doesn’t mean you have to hibernate all winter.
By Tammy Worth
Medically Reviewed by Samuel Mackenzie, MD, PhD

Hot drinks and layers can help keep cold-weather MS symptoms at bay.

Kitty Gallannaugh/Stocksy

Overheating during hot weather or in a hot bath is known to magnify symptoms in many people with multiple sclerosis (MS).

But for some, cold weather can be just as problematic. No one knows this better than Barbara Appelbaum, a 54-year-old motivational speaker, author, and wellness coach who lives in Chicago and faces its unrelenting winters every year.

“When the seasons change and it gets really cold — not normal cold, but bitter cold — I get increased fatigue and also experience occasional shooting pains, primarily in my feet,” says Appelbaum.

It’s not really known why cold weather can worsen symptoms in people with MS, but Kathleen Costello, a certified multiple sclerosis nurse at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore and vice president of healthcare access at the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, says it could be due to disruption of pathways in the brain and spinal cord.

She says some people experience greater bladder urgency and, most commonly, spasticity — stiffness and involuntary muscle spasms — in cold weather. It’s important for people to track their symptoms, says Costello. And if your symptoms change when the weather changes, it’s a good idea to let your physician know.

Changing MS Medications Might Help
When Appelbaum was diagnosed with MS 10 years ago, she took Betaseron (interferon beta-1b) and noticed her body had a difficult time acclimating to weather changes.
Several years ago, she switched to Tecfidera (dimethyl fumarate), which she says reduced her seasonal symptom flares.
“Since being on Tecfidera, it’s not as bad,” she says. “My body might be stronger, or it may be a medication thing.”
Costello notes that some people may notice fewer symptoms on different medications — probably because the medication is working better overall and reducing inflammation.
Drugs to Treat Spasticity  
Another option for dealing with cold-weather symptoms is to try a medication that addresses the symptoms you’re experiencing.
For spasticity, the muscle relaxers baclofen and Zanaflex (tizanidine) can help control spasms and relax tightened muscles.
Drugs less commonly used to reduce spasticity include Valium (diazepam); phenol, an injected nerve blocker; Botox; and dantrolene.
Costello says you shouldn’t use these drugs “willy nilly”: You should be carefully evaluated by a physician before making a decision on whether and how to take them. Most of these medications produce side effects, such as drowsiness, muscle weakness, and dry mouth. Zanaflex may also lower blood pressure. 
Home Remedies for Dealing With Cold Weather        

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