What is MS fatigue and why does it occur?

Stuart SchlossmanMultiple Sclerosis, Symptoms

MS fatigue is unique to people living with MS and different than other types of fatigue. If you experience MS fatigue, it doesn’t mean you aren’t trying hard enough to push through it.
Compared with normal fatigue, MS fatigue can:
  • Occur on a daily basis
  • Come on suddenly and be more severe
  • Be made worse by heat and humidity
  • Interfere with your physical function
  • Interfere with your cognitive function
There are a number of factors that are thought to contribute to your experience of MS fatigue.
Primary factors in MS fatigue may be linked to the changes that MS causes in your body. Theories on potential primary factors include changes in the CNS due to damage, the immune system functioning differently, altered brain activity, or changes in perception.
There are also other possible reasons you may experience MS fatigue. These are often related to other symptoms of the disease.
MS fatigue is common and can occur
at all stages of the disease
About 81% of people with MS have some fatigue
within the first year of diagnosis.
MS fatigue can be difficult to manage
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