Virtual Reality System a Fun, Immersive Tool for MS Physical Therapy

Stuart SchlossmanAlternative therapies and devices for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Virtual Reality System a Fun, Immersive Tool for MS Physical Therapy

Scientists from Amsterdam-based Motek Medical developed an innovative virtual reality system that allows clinicians to see and analyze a patient’s balance, locomotion, and coordination – a tool that could reshape rehabilitation and clinical studies, as the system allows the patient to experience challenging and dynamically changing physical therapy in a controlled, safe setting. Now, the CAREN (Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment) system is available in Cleveland Clinic thanks to a grant from the state of Ohio, which is its first nonmilitary installation in North or South America. Leading the clinic’s CAREN system initiative is Jay Alberts, Ph.D.

Motek Medical MS Therapy

Getting diagnosed with a chronic, progressively debilitating disease such as multiple sclerosis is a multi-faceted challenge, including concerns with self-management of the disease, and trying to keep a positive outlook amidst deteriorating physical ability. Depression is one of the most overlooked symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS), compounded by feelings of hopelessness and loss of independence, and a sense of isolation from normal life. The CAREN system may be a win-win solution for both medical provider and MS patient, as it integrates research and rehabilitation into an enjoyable, immersive activity.

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