Using Facebook to chat with others affected by Multiple Sclerosis

Stuart SchlossmanCaregiver related, For the Benefit of the Patient, Multiple Sclerosis, When others need assistance

January 12, 2011

Stuart designed the Blog, “Stu’s Views & MS News” for those affected by Multiple Sclerosis.

When facebook started becoming popular a couple of years ago, Stuart joined that site and then created the MS Views and News page for persons affected by MS.
Access it by clicking here:

Then when facebook gave an option ( a couple of months ago) to have a Chat room, Stuart created : Friends of: “Stu’s Views and MS News”

Soon thereafter, a caregiver asked Stuart to arrange a page for the caregivers and Stuart thought this was a good idea. And So he created:  Caregivers of  “Friends of Stu’s Views and MS News” 
(  …

And today, Stuart was asked if he would do a new chat page for those with PPMS – again Stuart thought this was a good idea.. So as of today we have PPMS of: Friends of Stu’s Views and MS News

Why?  People ask.  

And Stuart will tell them again and again, because different people need different things. Caregivers should have access to a site just for caregivers so that they can know that they are not alone in what achievements or struggles they face each day. The same for people with MS and now the same for those with PPMS, in being able to chat with others of similar situations.

Those with MS can chat with others with MS
Those that are caregivers, can use Stu’s Caregiver chat page to converse with other caregivers.
And now, those with PPMS can chat amongst themselves and know that they too do not live alone…

I am sure that Stuart will offer more pages as there becomes more persons who want to take part in what he offers. Each new page requires a person to administer the page as Stuart does not have enough hours in the day to oversee each of these new projects, but he does look in from time to time, periodically each day, just to review and then goes onward to the next one or another project.

If you have any ideas or comments for Stuart, pelase contact him at: 


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Disclaimer:  ‘MS Views and News’ (MSVN), does not endorse any products or services found on this blog. It is up to you to seek advice from your healthcare provider. The intent of this blog is to provide information on various medical conditions, medications, treatments, and procedures for your personal knowledge and to keep you informed of current health-related issues. It is not intended to be complete or exhaustive, nor is it a substitute for the advice of your physician. Should you or your family members have any specific medical problem, seek medical care promptly.
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