To Help ease some symptoms of multiple sclerosis, Yoga and Pilates may beneficial

Stuart SchlossmanAlternative therapies and devices for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

By Jeannine Stein, Los Angeles Times

May 1, 20117:00 a.m.

Multiple sclerosis symptoms can take a toll, but staying on a regular exercise regimen may help. Join a live Web chat on the benefits of exercise for people with MS on May 2 at 11 a.m. PDT (1 p.m. CDT, 2 p.m. EDT). Our chat guest, Dr. Barbara Giesser, clinical professor of neurology at the David Geffen UCLA School of Medicine and medical director of theMarilyn Hilton MS Achievement Center at UCLA, will be on hand to take questions on fitness and MS. Giesser has been treating patients with MS since 1982.

We asked her if certain types of exercises, such as yoga or aquatics, are generally better for people with MS.

“Many people with MS report benefits from yoga,” she said, “including increased flexibility and decreased spasticity, and decreased fatigue. Swimming in a cool (not more than 85 degrees) pool is excellent exercise and provides an aerobic workout without someone becoming overheated. A pool also allows people with weak muscles to exercise those muscles in a gravity-free environment and perform motions they would not be able to do on land. Some who have MS also report that they derive benefit from Pilates-type workouts for core strength and flexibility.”


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