Tisch MS Research Ctr of NY – FDA approved for Adult Stem Cell research

Stuart SchlossmanMultiple Sclerosis, Stem Cell Related

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                             
Pamela Levin, RN
Tisch MS
Research Center of New York
Indiegogo Campaign
                   Crowdfunding Site Targeted to Raise $300K for
Adult Stem Cell Trial
New York, NY- March 17, 2014 –
The Tisch MS Research Center of New York (Tisch MSRCNY) today announced that
they have launched a dedicated campaign on Indiegogo to raise funds for their
FDA-Approved Phase I Clinical Stem Cell Trial. 
non-profit research center aims to raise $300K to be directly applied to the
first twenty patients selected to participate in the clinical trial.  “We are excited to embrace the online
technology that is now available to us to help fund our mission,” stated Dr.
Saud A. Sadiq, Chief Research Scientist at Tisch MSRCNY and the study’s
principal investigator.  He added, “The
FDA’s approval in August 2013 of this treatment provides patients and their
families with a realistic hope that reversal of the damage this disease has
caused is possible.”
groundbreaking study will investigate a regenerative strategy using stem cells
harvested from the patient’s own bone marrow. 
These stem cells will be injected intrathecally (into the cerebrospinal
fluid surrounding the spinal cord).  This
will be an open label safety and tolerability study.  All study activities will be conducted at the
Tisch MS Research Center and affiliated International Multiple Sclerosis
Management (IMSMP).
it comes to a mission of this significance, we will leverage every means
possible to secure funding,” said David Greenstein, Chairman of the Board of
Directors at Tisch MSRCNY.  “It was only
natural to turn to the industry-leading capabilities and international reach of
Indiegogo to help bootstrap the crowd sourcing needed to enable this important
clinical trial.”
is a chronic human autoimmune disease of the central nervous system that leads
to myelin damage and neurodegeneration. 
It affects approximately 2.3 million people worldwide.
view the campaign and make a donation,

more information on this study visit:

For over twenty years, Dr. Saud A. Sadiq has
believed that combining excellence in clinical care with innovative research
targeted at finding the cure for multiple sclerosis would set an exemplary
standard in the treatment of MS patients. 
Today, the Tisch MS Research Center of New York embodies this new model
of healthcare, in which your doctor is also your researcher. Dr. Sadiq helps
those with MS by conducting cutting-edge, patient-based research to ensure
unparalleled care. The close relationship of the non-profit research center and
its affiliated clinical practice (International Multiple Sclerosis Management
Practice) enables the testing of new MS treatments and accelerates the pace at
which research discoveries move from lab bench to bedside. The Tisch MS
Research Center of New York aims to identify the disease trigger, optimize
treatments for patients, and repair the damage caused by multiple sclerosis

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