The Progressive MS Alliance invites you to join an informational call to learn more about a new funding initiative just released by the Alliance.

Stuart SchlossmanSPMS-PPMS News

The Progressive MS Alliance invites you to join an informational call to learn more about a new funding initiative just released by the Alliance.
The Progressive MS Alliance is connecting resources and experts around the world to find answers and develop solutions to end progressive MS. The Alliance drives scientific progress through funding the best research wherever it exists, with the ultimate goal of realizing the development of new treatments for people with MS.
The Alliance has just released a new Request for Applications for Collaborative Network Awards. The purpose of the new grant round is to enable and leverage global collaborative networks of excellence engaged in transformative research.  Networks must consist of at least three organizations and a minimum of three countries must be represented in the network. 
Phase I Collaborative Network Planning Awards 12 months
Applications accepted from 15th December 2014 through 31st January 2015
Phase II Collaborative Network Awards 4 years
Applications accepted from planning award recipients 1st March 2016 through 1st May 2016
Please join an upcoming Informational teleconference:
·       18 November 2014, 10:00 Eastern Standard Time (15:00 UTC)
·       9 December 2014, 10:00 Eastern Standard Time (15:00 UTC)
·       10 December 2014 Noon Australian Eastern Time (01.00 UTC)
Dial-in information for all callers available
Expected outcomes of the Collaborative Network within Phase II funding period:
·       Development of one or more pre-clinical drug candidates
·       Development of meaningful outcome measures that could be integrated into early clinical development
·       Initiation of pharmacological clinical trials of new interventions for progressive MS
·       Validation of clinical rehabilitative strategies/interventions
Full descriptions of the topics and the application instructions are available
We encourage proposals from all disciplines, and ask you to apply and share this information with any colleagues who may be interested in this round of awards.
Article source found here

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 from: Stu’s Views and MS News

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