The anticipation of the holidays can be either exciting or stressful.

Stuart SchlossmanInspirational, Misc. Tips - Non MS Related

AN EMPOWERED SPIRIT – written by: Cathy Chester

Thanksgiving is over and the Christmas season has begun.  The anticipation of the holidays can be either exciting or stressful.  For some it can be both.
Are the holidays a time of great joy for you, or a reminder of a great sadness? 
Will you be spending time with family and friends, or do you spend the holidays alone?
Do you worry endlessly about the many gifts, holiday cards, food preparations, parties and outfits you need to have ready for the season?
Anyone that knows me knows one of my favorite movies is “It’s a Wonderful Life.”   It’s so “Capraesque.”  The first time I saw it I was with my dad during a sleepless night.  We kept the lights off in our den, and turned on the television to The Late, Late Show.  I remember feeling completely absorbed as soon as the movie began.  It was pure magic watching George Bailey have the chance to see how his life touched the lives of others, and to see how their lives would have been different without him. His community of family and friends deeply cared about his well being, and they worked tirelessly to help him in his time of need. It was a perfect movie with a timeless message.  It was the Utopia of my dreams.


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