Thanks to Caregivers Who Share Our MS Load

Stuart SchlossmanCaregiver related

Nov 14, 2017

The MS load we carry is heavy. Some of us, unfortunately, must carry it alone. But many of us are fortunate to have someone with whom we can share the weight.
It’s National Family Caregivers Month and a new survey shows just how heavy that load can be. Caregivers, it will come as no surprise, are carrying their own problems and needs.
  • Nearly half (49%) of unpaid caregivers surveyed have feelings of depression.
  • Nearly half (45%) of unpaid caregivers surveyed feel that their physical health has suffered as a result of their caregiver duties.
  • Nearly half (45%) of unpaid caregivers surveyed often don’t have time to book or attend medical appointments for themselves.
  • 41% of female unpaid caregivers report that being a caregiver has put pressure on their financial situation, as compared to 28% of male caregivers.
  • Almost half (47%) of female unpaid caregivers do not feel supported at all by the local community, and a third (33%) of unpaid caregivers do not feel supported at all by their local health system. Just 40% of unpaid caregivers feel supported by their employer in their role as a caregiver.

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