Talking to Little Kids About MS

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story

Explaining MS  — January 2022 

A Blog written by an MS patient with kids


Here is my biggest parenting beef with MS. 

It changes too much.

Now, I don’t mean how it changes my life or parenting style. I mean how I can be “okay-ish” one minute and later I can be “not-okay”

 If it is hard for me to deal with the surprise of when and how my body will work and feel how can I prepare a little kid for what is in store?

Many days when I am home, my get-away sticks are fine. Ya, it’s rare that my right foot and lower leg feel fine, but very often at home my mobility seems close to my current baseline. Once I’m out and get going the fatigue sets in and then the pain. 

Many days when I am home, as my mobility improves my mental capacity seems to deteriorate. My word finding get worse and my short term memory crawls to zero. 

I may be able to walk to the kitchen fine, which is a good thing because I’ll have to go four times before I remember what I went in there for.

Parenting with MS.  How to explain Multiple Sclerosis to Little Kids 

How do you explain to an adult, nevermind a child, that MS doesn’t follow a simple track?

click here to read more

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