Take Action! Preserve Access To Stem Cell Therapy In The U.S.

Stuart SchlossmanMultiple Sclerosis, Stem Cell Related

Graphics by William Jones and Chelsea Henderson, Lamar University Press

Graphics by William Jones and Chelsea Henderson, Lamar University Press

Your Urgent Help Needed! New FDA Draft Guidance on Physician use of Platelets and Stem Cells Seeks to Drastically Limit What Physicians can do to Help Their Patients

The public has the opportunity until Dec 22, 2014 to present comments to the FDA regarding regulation of adult stem cells.
You can jump to the TAKE ACTION INSTRUCTIONS below, but here’s the situation.
Patients For Stem Cells opposes this draft exemption in its current form because it further limits access to use of autologous (your own) stem cells to treat illness and injury. Many of our members have found cellular medicine to be safe and effective. Further government restrictions are not needed.
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