Summer-time is not always fun-time

Stuart SchlossmanMultiple Sclerosis (MS) Symptoms, Stu's Views and MS News



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Stu’s Views and MS News: 

For those of us with MS, summertime can often lead to being isolated as we need to remain indoors where the sun doesn’t shine and where air-conditioning bills just seem to rise and rise… 

With summer upon us, many are feeling woozy, numb or quite tingly. fatigue might be at the worst levels you remember being. Cognition might be slightly defaulting as well and especially when you realize that you begin tasks but are not completing them. Maybe your memory is slightly off too.,, 

Does this mean you are relapsing? Maybe, and maybe not. — 
Maybe you are simply experiencing Uhthoff’s Syndrome:

(Uhthoff’s phenomenon (also known as Uhthoff’s syndrome, Uhthoff’s sign, and Uhthoff’s symptom) is the worsening of neurologic symptoms in multiple sclerosis (MS) and other neurological, demyelinating conditions when the body gets overheated from hot weather, exercise, fever, or saunas and hot tubs.)

These problems are often simply caused by the heat.. Try to remain in cooler environment and if you do not have air-conditioning, then you might want to go to the mall or a movie theatre where you can literally “chill-out” for a little while and then see how you feel.. 

If you have a cooling vest, now is the time to begin this new wardrobe design and if you do not have a vest, consider traveling-about with a small cooler with ice or ice packs inside and when you need to cool-down you will have the magic with you. Another good thing to do in the summer is drink cold water more-so that other things.

Of course, you could be relapsing as well and so, I will tell you all to speak with your MS Clinician before listening to my rants about remaining COOL (no, not like the Fonz) – but yes, your body and it’s neurologic pathways do fair better in cooler temperatures.

So, now you have Stu’s Views 

Disclaimer — Not providing medical information. Just providing a little knowledge from one patient (me) to many


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