Stu’s Views on HIS use of Bio-Feedback for Pain therapy

Stuart SchlossmanStu's Views and MS News

 Written By Stuart Schlossman – (Stu’s Views)

Ever since I could remember, I have lived with Pain. Yes, this went back to my early years (childhood) when so often I was called a Klutz or Hypochondriac. Often seeing doctors and often the doctors not finding much wrong with me. Often hurting my bones yet rarely breaking anything.

Still I hurt.

This continued on through early and beginning mid-life adulthood.

Then after being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1998, and learning that there was good reason for all the pain, I knew I needed to do something about this pain without living like a zombie on pain medications.

After visiting with a few different people who all claimed to be able to work with me and help me to work with my body, I finally came upon someone whom I felt I could trust. She helped me to learn deep breathing exercise and how to feel my inner body. How to work with my core and how to remove pain from my body by channeling it to a wall, or a tree or even to a doorknob. Anywhere would have been good as long as it was not within my body.

This worked well for me for more than 10 years. It worked so well that after having major shoulder surgery in December of 2012 for the first three days post-surgery, I did not use Pain Killers. Yes, the pain was still bad, but probably not nearly as bad had I not been able to channel some of it away from me..

Yes, i know, there are some of you reading this that wonder if what I am saying is possible.
Well it is, For those that Want to Believe and for those that can find their inner-self. Yes, the challenge is quite difficult as the work is not easy. Nor is being a professional Athlete. When you want something you must work hard to achieve.

Getting rid of Pain, was my objective.

All worked well for me until approx 4 weeks ago, when I awoke one morning and could not put any weight on my feet as both felt like daggers were piercing up from the bottoms. Then stabbing pains were striking at my thighs, my arms and my back, Neuropathy that I had not felt (to the degree that I felt 3 and 4 weeks ago) came from left-field / out of the clear blue.

What was happening to me, why was i again feeling all this pain. I was feeling defeated. My hands hurt, I could not hold a pen. Brushing my teeth hurt. Painful on and off stabbing was attacking my lower left face, and other parts of my body. Paroxysmal pain it is often called.

Regardless what it was called or how often it was striking, it made me change the way I was living and this was the same pain I felt 10+ years ago, and into decades prior.

Why was this back? What caused by Bio-Rhythms to change. How did my force-field or shield fall?  No clue but I knew I had to get it back……

The last week or so I was trying really hard to get back to my inner core. Finding time – making time that was needed to think from within…

Yesterday, I had plenty of time to be by myself and work on this while having a (3) section MRI of my Brain, Cervical Spine and Thoracic and including the Gadolinium. Yes, for those that know, this scan took more than 90 minutes to complete and so, yes, I had time…

From the moment I was pushed into the tube, I went into deep meditation. So deep that I did not even hear the Tech telling me the time sequences of each segment. Nope, I was solely into myself and when they had to change the coils for the varying scans I actually felt at peace..

By the time I exited I felt what I had not felt in (4) weeks. I felt ‘NO PAIN’…
I left to do errands and with each motion or varying movements I was able to walk freely. I could step, and not wince. I could hold the steering wheel pain free.. Ah, I was back…

I slept nicely last night. I awoke this morning remembering a cartoon I watched as a Kid and I heard myself saying: Bigger than Big, Stronger than Strong, “GIGANTOR”… (Google this if you do not know about Gigantor)

Yes, today was a Good day and I know my Bio-Rhythm is back to where it needs to be so that I can remain extreme- pain – free…….

A short while ago a friend sent me an article on Bio-Feedback, that she was referring others to, as they heard I was feeling better. To read this article look here: 

Biofeedback: Using your mind to improve your health

Definition:  Biofeedback is a technique you can use to learn to control your body’s functions, such as your heart rate. With biofeedback, you’re connected to electrical sensors that help you receive information (feedback) about your body (bio). This feedback helps you focus on making subtle changes in your body, such as relaxing certain muscles, to achieve the results you want, such as reducing pain.
In essence, biofeedback gives you the power to use your thoughts to control your body, often to help with a health condition or physical performance. Biofeedback is often used as a relaxation technique.

Disclaimer: PLEASE remember everybody, this is a technique that can be learned but does require lots of thought and knowledge about your own body. It may work for some, but not for the majority.

Know please that I wrote this story based-upon my own life and the experiences I have endured and over-come in the last few weeks. I am not stating that this will work for you.
This story was solely about me and being Pain-med, drug Free.

Please excuse any spelling errors or typos… 

Written June 18, 2014 at 11:40pm ET

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