Stu’s Views concerning Lemtrada (Alemtuzumab)

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story, MS Drug Therapies

About once a year (maybe more) you actually get to see an article of story written by Stuart known as Stu’s Views

Published:  December 4, 2013
Stu’s Views
concerning Lemtrada
As reported The
FDA is having its’ concerns about the approval of Lemtrada (Alemtuzumab).  To read one of these reports, click
Now let’s take a
different look at this picture because I for one am not happy to read/hear what
the FDA might not know with regards to the MS Patient.
Note please: 
is not that I need this medication. It is not that I am ready to give up on a
medication that has been working very successfully for me. — No, I am
looking at the Big Picture.
I am thinking
about the thousands for whom current medications have failed to be effective OR
that the person’s body failed to accept one of the currently approved MS
medications. Yes, there is a difference.
I know many people
who need another option. I know and see many whose gait has considerably
worsened or whose mind is quite boggled or confused. I have seen too many who
walked just a few years ago, but who now require a walker, wheelchair or
scooter. I am thinking of those that used to be attorneys, bankers, retail
clerks, teachers, Postal carriers and so much more but who now sit home asking
themselves, why?
I know many who
have given up hope and I know others who still have great hope.
There should be
another choice and the only thing currently sitting on the table ready for
potential use by some of these people is Lemtrada (Alemtuzumab).  
The FDA needs to
hear from the Public.
Heck, they need
to see and hear from us.
Even if your current medication is working for you,
consider what you might be like if the medication you are using, had not been
FDA approved? What then? 
Let us help our
peers who seek another medication that might enable them to live better, with
an option that might thwart or slow their disease progression.
PLEASE let your
voice be heard by putting it into writing.  
YOU can voice your thoughts on
We have learned that the FDA Advisory Committee email
address is-  
Address your
letters to Glendolynn Johnson, who staffs the Peripheral and Central Nervous
System Drugs Advisory Committee.
Ask her to make
sure that Alemtuzumab for MS gets approved.
It will take a
great many people to be heard.
Let’s shout
Let’s be heard.
Let’s help those
who need our help in getting another medication option.
  PLEASE let your voice be heard, by putting it into writing. 
Thank you
Best Regards,
Stu’s Views and
MS News

Neither Stu’s Views and MS News nor MS Views and News is responsible for the opinion expressed by Stuart.



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