Mesenchymal stem cells (green) accumulate in skeletal muscle following exercise and release growth factors to spur regeneration. (Photo : Marni Boppart)
Multiple Sclerosis, a potentially debilitating disease in which the immune system is broken down, can be difficult to treat. Damages to the myelin sheath due to the disease can interfere with communication between the brain, spinal cord and other areas of the body. This can create wreak havoc in someone’s daily life who is suffering from the problem.
Yet, some researchers believe they have found new treatments that could stop the progression or continuation of the disease.
Dr. Saud Sadiq, MD, who is the director at the Tisch MS Center of New York, believes that stem cells could be the key to repairing and possibly regenerating immune responses broken down by MS.
According to Sadiq, who recently presented his research on stem cells during the Second International Adult Stem Cell Conference at the Vatican in April, believes these new treatments could offer great hope for those suffering from MS.
“We’re hoping that stem cells turn on resident stem cells in the brain and can stimulate repair damage in multiple sclerosis patients,” Sadiq told Science World Report.
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