Staying Positive While Living with a Chronic Illness [Sponsored Post]

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story

 SEPTEMBER 17, 2018


Life is unpredictable. Some days things might be going great and then, out of nowhere, you are thrown a curveball. These moments when I am confronted by life’s challenges often leave me feeling helpless and wondering, ‘Why is this happening to me?’
It started in 2011, when I thought I had my life all figured out. At the time, I was working towards a master’s degree, married and had two beautiful children whom I adored – needless to say, things were going great!
But life’s unpredictable nature awakened and sure enough, towards the end of that year, I began experiencing strange aches and pains down my arm and neck. These aches and pains progressed, and one day at work, my feet and waist went numb, followed by an electric shock down my spine when I bent my neck. I immediately had a feeling that one of life’s curveballs was heading my way. I made an appointment with my primary care physician and after a series of MRIs, I was diagnosed with relapsing multiple sclerosis (RMS).  
As a self-described “control freak” and someone who always had things figured out, I was in shock and in denial. This was a situation that I had no power over. But after a week, my can-do, persevere-through-anything attitude took over. Rather than waste my time wallowing, I decided to deal with this stressful moment in the best way that I could – remain positive. 
Looking back, I have learned a variety of lessons that helped me stay positive and keep myself on track – in life and in my RMS journey. Here are a few:

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