Stay Informed and Up to Date with MS News and Information

Stuart SchlossmanAdditional MS resource sites, MS Views and News, Multiple Sclerosis, Stu's Views and MS News

   Tax ID # 26-3323427
 A Not-For-Profit organization that was founded in 2008.

MS Views and News’ helps those affected Multiple Sclerosis by providing information, education and resources via live seminars and via the internet.

Mission: ‘MS Views and News’ is dedicated to the global collection and distribution of current information concerning Multiple Sclerosis.

In collaboration with other organizations, ‘MS Views and News’ uses state-of-the-art communication channels to provide information for those affected by, or interested in MS.

Whether an MS patient, a caregiver or a medical professional:  
If you are not yet receiving the weekly MS e-Newsletter, titled “Stu’s Views and MS News”, or having access to our website and MS blog, then please consider registering after reading the information found below:

Enter a place where information and knowledge is provided for anybody affected by Multiple Sclerosis. This includes the patients, caregivers, medical providers and/or anybody just interested in having availability to MS information.

Unique in what we do by Bridging the information gaps from all major MS organizations. 

On our website’s homepage (, you will find a link to register for our website and weekly publication of “Stu’s Views and MS News“, an MS e-Newsletter, which is being received by e-recipients around the globe. This e-Newsletter is currently being received in (84) Countries.

Once registered at our website, you will begin receiving our weekly MS e-Newsletter, called: “Stu’s Views and MS News” and you will have access to our weekly MS Podcasts.

A Must see is our MS BLOG  (, where you will find easy-to-read MS articles. From this blog you will have access to many other MS informational resources and organizations as well as other MS bloggers.  Find the category listings and other links found on the right side column of this blog to help you to better understand Multiple Sclerosis.

Find us on Facebook at our primary page: or join one of our chat pages, to have a place to mingle with others (as shown below).
* For all affected by MS, Click:   to join the Friends of Stu’s Views and MS News

* For Caregivers (to know that they too are not alone),  Click:   – to join “Caregivers of: Friend of Stu’s Views and MS News”
* For the MS Patient with a progressive form of the diseaseClick: – to join the SPMS and PPMS Friends of Stu’s Views and MS News

Other features of the MS Views and News website includes:
* Our MS Resources section where you will find our MS Resource weblinks and our MS video library. 
* Review our menu items on CCSVI and Stem Cell information
* Additionally, find and click the link found on the left side of homepage to view our Library of MS Archives. 

MS Views and News, Inc., strives to keep those affected by Multiple Sclerosis, informed and up-to-date with MS information.

If you have any comments or questions, please send us an email. write to:  

OUR Other links include:

Know others affected by Multiple Sclerosis?
Ask them to remain CURRENT with Multiple Sclerosis information 
 when registered at the  MS Views and News  website
Help to Educate:  Please donate   
– all contributions are tax deductible – 
Providing You with ‘MS Views and News’is what we do
Disclaimer:  ‘MS Views and News’ (MSVN), does not endorse any products or services found on this blog. It is up to you to seek advice from your healthcare provider. The intent of this blog is to provide information on various medical conditions, medications, treatments, and procedures for your personal knowledge and to keep you informed of current health-related issues. It is not intended to be complete or exhaustive, nor is it a substitute for the advice of your physician. Should you or your family members have any specific medical problem, seek medical care promptly.
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