May 15, 2011
By Tracey Read – [email protected]
After the first time he was on CNN talking about medical marijuana, state Rep. Kenny Yuko got a call from an 80-year-old Lake County man who wanted help so he could stop buying the drug illegally for an illness.“He said one Saturday night he was in so much pain he actually sent his very elderly wife into downtown Cleveland looking for a drug dealer,” Yuko says. “He said she came back three hours later crying because she couldn’t find a drug dealer, and he was crying because he put his wife in harm’s way.”Yuko, D-Richmond Heights, introduced a bill April 26 in the Ohio General Assembly to legalize medical marijuana.“(State Rep.) Bob Hagan (D-Youngstown) is a ‘joint’ sponsor with me. That’s a pun,” Yuko jokes.But Yuko is serious about House Bill 214, which would legalize the use, growth and dispensing of medical marijuana for people suffering from conditions including cancer, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis and Crohn’s disease.
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