SPEAK UP – Become an MSF Ambassador

Stuart SchlossmanNews from the MS Foundation

Source: MS Foundation

Too often, MS symptoms are left in the shadows. People don’t see your fatigue and depression and can’t feel your pain. They say you look good but have no idea what’s going on inside. It’s time to speak up for yourself and others with MS!

This spring, the MSF will choose ten people with MS from around the country to serve as ambassadors. These people will become leaders in the MS community by:

• Attending local and regional MSF events.
• Speaking at support groups and health fairs.
• Participating in public outreach.

Those selected will have the chance to participate in leadership training to help them become advocates for MS awareness, and work closely with the MSF to help meet their advocacy goals.

So, tell us how you would get the word out! Be creative – write an essay, record a video, include photos, or do a slideshow presentation. See full guidelines and application at http://www.msfocus.org/pdf/AmbassadorApp.pdf or in the current issue of MSFocus.



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