Shrink and Tone Your Waist While Energizing Yourself and Connecting To The Core Of Who You Are

Stuart SchlossmanAlternative therapies and devices for Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Misc. MS Related, Misc. Tips - Non MS Related

Shrink and Tone Your Waist While Energizing Yourself and Connecting To The Core Of Who You Are

written by Michelle Alva, Holistic Physical Therapist, Yoga Therapist and Energy Healer at Canyon Ranch Miami Beach.
Do you sit for more than 3-4 hours per day?
Did you know that your abdominal corset and pelvic floor muscles basically fall asleep while we sit? When we sit at a desk for too long, slouch and sink into our couch these muscles fall asleep.
Abdominal Corset Multifidus Transversus Abdominus Pelvic Floor Muscle
Our abdominal and pelvic floor muscles are two important muscle groups that work together to create a dynamic corset of stability for our low back and our pelvis. These muscles however sometimes become atrophied and weak from poor posture, poor chronic sitting postures and lack of exercise and activity, especially after giving birth.
We can view the waist area of the body as the middle or “center” of our body and when tone and active gives us literally a feeling of connection and upliftment. We give ourselves the feeling of being supported, safe and gathered from contracting our waist muscles. When we improve our posture and activate our tummy muscles, we actually feel more “centered.”
If you are feeling lazy, have low motivation, or low energy, simply connecting to your belly and strengthening your abdominal corset will help you to elevate your mood and motivate you from the inside out! Just as the mind affects the body, the body too affects the mind and emotions.

The abdominal area also represents our power center or an area of concentrated energy, called solar plexus chakra. This area is associated with our ability to manifest in our lives, take action to achieve our goals and has to do with our confidence, self-worth and self-esteem.

READ THE ARTICLE and see photos of the YOGA Moves that MIGHT benefit you.

Disclaimer – The Benefits of Yoga may not help everybody. Please be sure to check with your healthcare provider first, before beginning any new exercise regimen. Stu’s Views and MS News only provides the information.

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