Sativex Can Improve Driving Ability of MS Patients, Study Says

Stuart SchlossmanComplementary & Alternative therapies and devices for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

May 22, 2018

Sativex, a cannabis-based anti-spasticity medicine commercialized as oromucosal spray by GW Pharmaceuticals, improves the driving ability of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), according to researchers.

Sativex and driving

Driving is an important task to help MS patients maintain the activities of daily living, including their independence, social interactions and access to work, healthcare, family and shopping.
However, MS is associated with physical, sensory and cognitive disabilities, like muscle spasticity or visual and auditory impairment, that may affect the daily living functions of patients.
Some MS treatments also are known to negatively affect the driving ability of patients. Disease-modifying drugs (DMDs), corticosteroids, and other medicines used to manage symptoms like depression, anxiety, pain and muscle spasticity, affect patients’ driving performance, including wakefulness, coordination, reaction times, and concentration.


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