Resources and support for Veterans, children with pediatric MS, and African American and Hispanic/Latino individuals living with and affected by MS

Stuart SchlossmanMultiple Sclerosis, National MS Society Related, Pediatric MS, SPMS-PPMS News


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Information acquired from the National MS Society website

Pediatric MS Support

All parents wish for their children to be healthy and happy — to have lives without discomfort or loss — and hope to be able to protect them and keep them from harm. Although your child has been diagnosed with MS, your mission remains the same, and the National MS Society is committed to helping you ensure the very best for your daughter or son.

Veterans with Multiple Sclerosis

The National MS Society is collaborating with the Department of Veteran’s Affairs MS Centers of Excellence to support improved care and support services for veterans with multiple sclerosis and their families.

African American Resources

The myth that African Americans do not get MS is just that — a myth. African Americans do get MS. In fact, studies suggest that MS can be especially active. An African proverb says, “When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion.” This illustrates the power of connecting with others to face life-changing challenges such as MS. Begin building your “web” of support

Hispanic/Latino Resources

Bienvenidos a este su centro de información sobre la esclerosis múltiple (EM). Aquí hallará información sobre diagnóstico y tratamientos, manejo de síntomas y asuntos laborales, así como información para cuidadores y niños.

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