Researchers are committed to finding solutions for everyone affected by MS — the very people who hold the key to the answers.

Stuart SchlossmanClinical Trials, National MS Society Related

 Information provided by:  

Paige B.
Dalton, JD – 
Healthcare Provider Engagement

 National Multiple Sclerosis Society

Professional Resource Center : National Multiple
Sclerosis Society

People with MS, and
sometimes family members, can help advance MS research by:

  • responding
    to surveys online
  • sharing
    their voices and ideas through NARCOMS and iConquerMSTM,
    organizations that amass volunteer-submitted information
  • volunteering
    for clinical trials and other studies
  • donating DNA from saliva and blood
  • arranging
    for brain or spinal cord tissue donation to a tissue bank; this type of donation is
    incredibly valuable and truly appreciated by all who are involved in
    moving toward a world free of MS.  Blood samples also can be donated
    for use in MS research studies.

Assess each opportunity and make an informed decision
before agreeing to participate — understand the possible benefits and risks. 

See our Guide
to Participating in Clinical Trials

Visit our MS Learning Channel on YouTube: