Researchers a step closer to controlling inflammation in MS

Stuart SchlossmanMS Research Study and Reports

University of Adelaide researcher has published results that suggest a possible new mechanism to control multiple sclerosis (MS).
Dr Iain Comerford from the University’s School of Molecular and Biomedical Science earned a three-year fellowship from MS Research Australia to work on this project. It is directed towards understanding how specific enzymes in cells of the immune system regulate immune cell activation and migration.
Along with his colleagues, Professor Shaun McColl and PhD students Wendel Litchfield and Ervin Kara, he focused on a molecule known as PI3Kgamma, which is involved in the activation and movement of white blood cells.
“There’s already been worldwide interest in PI3Kgamma in relation to other human inflammatory disorders, such as diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, and our study links this molecule and MS,” said Dr Comerford, who is a Multiple Sclerosis Research Australia Fellow at the University of Adelaide.

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