Research Opportunity for Individuals Diagnosed with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis! – A study to evaluate the effects of three diets

Stuart SchlossmanClinical Trials, MS Research Study and Reports

June 2022 

Wahls UIHC Clinical Research is recruiting for a new study! You are invited to participate in a research study to evaluate the effects of three diets — Modified Paleolithic Elimination diet, Time Restricted Olive Oil-based Ketogenic diet, and USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans on quality of life, including long term effect on motor and vision function, fatigue, mood, and disease activity. This will be assessed by online surveys, study participant tasks, and brain imaging.

Patients that have expressed interest in a dietary approach to treating their disease will be randomized to one of the three diets. The Modified Paleolithic Elimination (MPE) diet excludes all gluten, dairy, and eggs and increases daily intake of fruit and vegetables. The Time Restricted Olive Oil-based (TROO) Ketogenic diet will limit carbohydrates to <50 grams, use olive oil to increase fat intake, and eat non-starchy vegetables daily. The USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans limits sodium, encourages servings of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and reduced fat dairy.

Learn about this study by clicking this link:   


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