REGISTER to listen to a Live Webcast of our 2013 MS Symposium

Stuart SchlossmanMS Educational Programs, MS Views and News, Multiple Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis Videos, Myelin Repair, Nutrition, Oral MS Medications, Vitamins and Supplements

LIVE – This Coming Saturday – September 28th 

the many over the last couple of years, who have wanted to

attend one of our Multiple Sclerosis Education program events, 
now it will be possible and directly from your home.

YES! It will be possible as we will host our
2013 MS Symposium

this coming Saturday, September 28th,
This program will be accessible (LIVE) to
anybody with an

internet connection, from anywhere in the world.
us in Doral, Florida on September 28th  for our annual 

Symposium via your internet connection.

The Feed for this program will begin at approx 10:20am

The Program begins at 10:30am ET
( this program ends at approx 3pm ET)

Click here for
more information 

REGISTER to listen to this Live Webcast

Symposium 2013 –   LIVE   UPSTREAM  VIA   INTERNET
                       CLICK HERE TO REGISTER


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