Personal Trainer With MS Learns Not to Overdo It

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story, Complementary & Alternative therapies and devices for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

‘Listen to your body. If you are feeling fatigued, it’s okay to have a rest day.’

Personal Trainer With MS Learns Not to Overdo It
Even an avid exerciser like Nick Holmes needed to relearn how best to work out following a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Could his advice help you stay fit?
Nick Holmes, 28, is a gym owner, personal trainer, and MS Fitness Challenge Ambassador. He has multiple sclerosis (MS) himself, and as a trainer, he specializes in helping others with MS conquer the disease through fitness. Holmes lives and works in the town of Devizes, in Wiltshire, England.

David Lyons: When were you diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, and what were your symptoms? 

Nick Holmes: I was diagnosed with MS in 2010. I had a tingly feeling in my hands, which spread throughout my entire body. This caused my muscles to lock up, so I became less mobile. I went to the hospital and they did an MRI scan that came back with nothing. They then did a lumbar puncture and found out I had MS.

DL: What are your symptoms currently?

NH: I currently am not suffering from any symptoms.

NH: I have always been an athletic person, and I’ve been a personal trainer since 2009. I adjusted my training slightly following my MS diagnosis, as I used to push my limits to the maximum. I now know that’s not the best thing to do, so I listen to my body and don’t over-exhaust myself.

DL: What’s your current exercise routine?

NH: Currently I teach around 14 exercise classes a week at my gym, Route 2 Fitness, including several from the Les Mills lineup of exercise programs. I also try to do some extra weight training in the gym if I get time.

DL: What was the biggest challenge in your workouts?

NH: When I was first diagnosed it was suffering from fatigue. I used to feel drained and have minimal energy to complete the classes I enjoyed. Also, holding back and not overdoing it was a big challenge for me. I want to train hard and push my body, but I know sometimes it’s not best.

RELATED: To Bolster Energy and Beat MS Fatigue, Learn How to Rest

DL: Were there any times when you wanted to quit or give up?

NH: Not at all. I am very self-driven and will work hard to achieve my goals. Giving up is not an option I consider.

DL: How did you stay motivated to continue your fitness program?

NH: Always set goals. Setting the standard high is something I have always done.

RELATED: The Power of Setting Goals for People With MS

DL: Have you altered your diet and nutrition regimen?

NH: Not really. I try to include a lot of green vegetables in my diet. Because I exercise a lot, I struggle to eat enough calories during the day.

DL: How has working out helped with your MS?

NH: It helps me stay positive. And it also helps me feel relaxed, as I’m very energetic at times, so working out helps release energy and makes me feel better.

DL: What fitness goals have you set for the future?

NH: At the moment I don’t have any specific goals, but I would like to increase my flexibility some more.

DL: What do you think of the MS Fitness Challenge message, that fitness, nutrition, and mindset matter when managing MS?

NH: I think it’s amazing. Fitness and nutrition are so important, especially for people managing MS. It’s great that the MS Fitness Challenge is encouraging this, as quite a few people become depressed with the condition. But knowing there is a group of people showing the benefits of exercise, nutrition, and having a positive mindset is fantastic.

DL: Do you have any advice for those who want to conquer MS through fitness?

NH: Listen to your body. If you are feeling fatigued it’s okay to have a rest day. Set yourself a target that is realistic. Stay positive.

Last Updated:11/29/2018
Important: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and not Everyday Health. 

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