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MS Views and News, empowers those affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS) with educational information, resources and services. Please scroll downward to find articles or videos of interest, then click to open the document or video.


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December 30, 2009

Exercise Success Secret for People with MS: Be Confident

  • Additional MS resource sites
  • News from MS.About.com
By Julie Stachowiak, Ph.D., About.com I would love to say that I am perfect and talk about my wonderful exercise…
Additional MS resource sites

December 30, 2009

Amazing Multiple Sclerosis Research for 2010

  • Additional MS resource sites
  • MS Research Study and Reports
  • Multiple Sclerosis
Billions of dollars are being used to jump start the year 2010’s research for multiple sclerosis and it will be…
Additional MS resource sites

December 29, 2009

MS related: Stuart’s first (Tysabri) Infusion Update – Almost two full weeks later

  • About Stuart
  • MS Drug Therapies
  • Stu's Views and MS News
Stuart’s first (Tysabri) Infusion Update – Almost two full weeks later – today is December 29, 2009 This is being…
About Stuart

December 28, 2009

Modifying Neural Stem Cells Improves Their Therapeutic Efficacy

  • Stem Cell Related
ScienceDaily (Dec. 28, 2009) — Stem cells isolated from the brain of adult mice (adult neural stem cells [aNSCs]) have…
Stem Cell Related

December 28, 2009

Financial Planning for Those Living with Multiple Sclerosis or Other Chronic Illnesses

  • Misc. Tips - Non MS Related
√ Introduction to Financial Planning for those with MS For those living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Lupus, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s…
Misc. Tips - Non MS Related

December 24, 2009

An MS Caregiver Needs Stem Cell Information from those with firsthand knowledge

  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Stem Cell Related
Stuart, I appreciate what you are doing. My wife is quadriplegic, on a ventilator due to MS. Bedridden for 15…
Multiple Sclerosis

December 23, 2009

If In The USA – Take Action : Critical Juncture for Health Care Reform

  • National MS Society Related
Urge your U.S. Senators to Support Health Care Reform We are at a critical juncture in the effort to overhaul…
National MS Society Related

December 23, 2009


  • Additional MS resource sites
  • Caregiver related
  • For the Benefit of the Patient
For those affected with Multiple Sclerosis (especially) in the UK, there is a relatively new support site for you to…
Additional MS resource sites

December 22, 2009

Multiple Sclerosis Music Video – Cool to watch an listen

  • For the Benefit of the Patient
  • Multiple Sclerosis
the song found below was provided to me from an MS peer, Eileen in Miami — Thank You Eileen Check…
For the Benefit of the Patient

December 22, 2009

National MS Society Continues to Propel Research Forward end MS – Launches 2010 With Call for Research Grants to Pursue CCSVI

  • For the Benefit of the Patient
  • MS Drug Therapies
  • MS Research Study and Reports
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • National MS Society Related
2009 saw exciting research progress, unprecedented opportunities on the horizon, and more scientists than ever working on resolving important questions.…
For the Benefit of the Patient


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