Novartis Confirms Long Term Benefits Of Gilenya In Multiple Sclerosis

Stuart SchlossmanOral MS Medications

9/25/2013 1:36 AM ET

Novartis International AG (NVS: Quote) announced that new data showing the benefits of Gilenya on patient outcomes in multiple sclerosis will be presented at the 29th Congress of the European Committee for Research and Treatment in Multiple Sclerosis in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Novartis said the new four-year data from the pivotal FREEDOMS and FREEDOMS extension studies plus a separate analysis of three studies (FREEDOMS, FREEDOMS II and TRANSFORMS) will show the benefits of continued Gilenya treatment on brain volume loss compared to delayed treatment of two years. The company said these data will reinforce the correlation between brain volume loss and disability, underlining the need for addressing brain volume loss in patients with Multiple Sclerosis.
Data from international and U.S. real-world databases will also confirm the favorable effect of Gilenya on reducing relapse rates for patients with Multiple Sclerosis, the company said.

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