Ninth grader’s brain experiment takes 2nd in national contest; seeks cure for MS

Stuart SchlossmanFor the Benefit of the Patient

While many of his 14-year-olds counterparts are worrying about acne, Christian Gonzalez is looking to cure multiple sclerosis.
Christian Gonzalez.jpgChristian Gonzalez, 14, placed second in a national contest to design a brain experiment. His entry seeks to find a cure for multiple sclerosis. (Paul Huggins/ 
The ninth-grade homeschool student from Harvest came up with a scientific experiment that finished second in the national“Design a Brain Experiment” contest by advancing the field of neuroscience with an original idea.
“It’s pretty much the most interesting part of biology,” Gonzalez said of his interest in neuroscience. “The brain is the most important part of the human body. It controls everything.”

he Dana Foundation sponsored the annual competition that invites entries from high school students across America. They are asked to develop innovative theories that challenge knowledge about the brain. The proposed experiments are judged on originality, 

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