News from the MS Foundation on Medicare, Vitamin D and Genetic Research and more..

Stuart SchlossmanAdditional MS resource sites, MS Research Study and Reports, Multiple Sclerosis, News from the MS Foundation, Vitamins and Supplements

News from the MS Foundation:

Help Protect Medicare – American families and people who rely on Medicare and/or Medicaid have much at stake in the Supreme Court’s decision on healthcare reform. The Ryan/Republican budget (which includes repeal of Affordable Care Act, or ACA ) aggressively slashes critical programs including Medicaid and would transform Medicare into a voucher program. If ACA is repealed, or the Ryan/Republican budget is implemented, millions more will go without access to health coverage and care.

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Check Facts Before You Lend Your Voice – News and media these days seem to be more interested in sensationalism, than facts. If your gearing up to work for a cause, or just heard something that made you wonder, there is a site that actually fact checks. They are a “nonpartisan, nonprofit” consumer advocate for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics.

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MS Trial Alert: Differential Hippocampal Vulnerability as a Mechanism for Major Depression in MS –  A California-based trial to determine if similar patterns of brain changes are found in people with depression alone and people with depression in combination with MS to help target therapies to address depressive symptoms of MS.
If you are in CA, contact: Julie Pham, (310) 423-8041
MS Trial Alert: Trial of Vitamin D Supplementation Recruiting People with Relapsing-Remitting MS – Investigators at several centers nationwide are recruiting 172 people with relapsing-remitting MS to compare the effectiveness of the current recommended amount of vitamin D supplementation versus high dose vitamin D supplementation at reducing MS disease activity.
To learn more about the enrollment criteria for this study, and to find out if you are eligible to participate, please see:, or e-mail  
DNA Bank for MS Genetic Studies – The DNA Bank at the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) for many years. This bank is feeding many of the genetic breakthroughs happening today. The UCSF Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Group is among the foremost teams in the world seeking to understand the genetic basis of MS. A large number of participants are needed to accelerate discovery. The bank provides resources not only for the UCSF team’s research, but also to other collaborating teams.

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