Myelin Damage Potentially Reversed Using Stem Cells – Hope For Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Stuart SchlossmanMS Research Study and Reports, Multiple Sclerosis, Myelin Repair

Information provided by Mitch A., in San Francisco.
December 05, 2010
Stem cells in the brain were found to regenerate myelin sheath which protect nerve fibers. Myelin also helps conduct electrical signals, impulses; it facilitates the good flow of electricity along the nervous system from the brain. Patients withmultiple sclerosis (MS) have multiple areas where the myelin has disappeared, leaving a scar (sclerosis).

Scientists from Cambridge and Edinburgh University found a biological “switch” which helps stem cells in the brain regenerate myelin in laboratory rats. They wrote about their research in Nature Neuroscience.

However, it will be several years before any treatment for humans is developed and approved, they added. They hope their technology may help in the development of new medications that target the pathway they identified to halt and perhaps even reverse MS.

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