My Travels With Multiple Sclerosis – a Patient’s story

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story

By: Cathy Chester                                    July 20, 2013

“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” ~Saint Augustine

I’ve lived almost half of my life with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), an autoimmune disease that affects over two million people worldwide. MS is a chronic, unpredictable disease that is thought to attack a person’s own immune system, causing issues such as fatigue, low vision, weakness and numbness, problems with bladder and bowel, cognitive deficits and paralysis.
Each person has MS differently; no two cases are alike.
Most people who are diagnosed with MS are between the ages of 20 to 40; though there are have been cases of people being both younger and older.
It is not a fatal disease, yet patients with the more serious type of MS may experience complications that then become fatal.
My MS has manifested itself with issues of numbness and tingling (I can’t feel my right leg), weakness (when I’m tired my legs give out or I walk like I’m drunk), some bladder issues, and overwhelming fatigue. (Imagine how you feel when you’ve had the flu. Now multiply that by 1,000 times!)
Two enemies of people with MS are stress and extreme temperatures.

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