MY STEM CELL STORY: Update January 2014 – By Judi Lecoq

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story, Multiple Sclerosis, Stem Cell Related

MY STEM CELL STORY: Update January 2014

Oh boy, have I taken way too long to get back and share my
Stem Cell Story. So here I am, ready to continue! It was June 2013. I was the
recipient of 5 Stem Cell Treatments at this point. To recap, I had repairs to
old damage in 3 out of 5 of the treatments.
Each time I had a treatment, my immune system was ‘modified’
for a period of up to 9 months, and during this period, the disease could not
progress. As for that period of time, stress and getting sick could shorten
that magical time. I had one such period and I learned that stress management
was key. Life can throw out some really tough stuff emotionally and the
challenge is not allowing the stress to rule the roost. I had to come to peace
with things. It was hard.
I am going to insert a little something here that I have never
shared publicly. Now I think I need to do it. I need to do it for all of us
suffering from chronic illness. I went back for my 5th treatment. My husband,
Philippe was with me…yay! The Doctors were stunned at my walking…it had
worsened since my last treatment. Yes, there had been other internal repairs
and my legs were still strong enough to stand for a while, but what the heck
was this? We had a serious talk, these awesome Doctors and Philippe and I. We
narrowed it down to one thing….stress. I had been crying a lot and letting
stress eat me up. I internalized our entire conversation. It changed me
completely. I had no idea how much I could be physically damaged from emotional
pain. There you are….now there are no more secrets!

So let’s go back to Stem Cells, shall we?

Before I started my Stem Cell Journey, I had become incredibly weak,
debilitating fatigue was my constant companion and I could not stand up for
longer than a minute. I had ordered a scooter as my first step to a wheelchair
and both of these were very hard to swallow. I want to recap the gains that I
have seen from my 5 Stem Cell Treatments. But before I do that, I want to say
that changes are usually subtle and they can sneak up on you without a sound.
And also, that for me, this is a therapy….a therapy that can, 65% of the time,
make repairs to old damage…a therapy that can hold back progression if I can
manage my stress and do all my voodoo to keep from getting sick. (I do a lot of
natural medicine stuff)

Okay, the gains! Now, 3.5 years later, I can stand on my legs for a long time.
I can cook again, that takes standing. I can wait in a line. The scooter was
never realized…not in this house, not in this life. Somewhere in there, the wax
paper affect on my eyes cleared up. It was one of those subtle things…I cannot
tell you which treatment did it. The internal stuff, the everyday stuff that
can be sooo embarrassing, well that is fixed. No, let me rephrase that. The
bladder was fixed after treatment 1, however it is not 100%, 85% at the moment.
I know that somewhere in there, stress played some havoc until I learned to
manage it better. But the other issue, the BM issue, that is fixed…from a 10
day cycle to a 1 day cycle! I know it is the least visible, but I think this
issue is the most important, life prolonging issue.

And the story will continue………….

To see Judi’s Stories prior to January 2014 and whatever she either has written or will write, since the January 2014 story, then please click:

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