Multiple sclerosis drug maker Novartis sued by United States government

Stuart SchlossmanMisc. MS Related

First things first, it needs to be reported the drugs listed in the suit against NovartisPharmaceuticals Corp are Starlix (diabetesmedication) and Lotrel and Valturna (hypertension medications), but Pamela Vaughn of Lima brings up a good question for a later debate:
“What other medications of theirs should be added to this? Gilenya? What I do know,” she stresses. “Is I am not going to stop taking Gilenya; it has been working really well for me.”
Ms. Vaughn has multiple sclerosis (MS) and has been taking Gilenya since the middle of last year.
The U.S. government joined in a suit that was already brought against them by a whistleblower, a former pharmaceutical representative, in 2011.
27 states and 3 major cities (Washington D.C., Chicago and New York) joined the suitciting “illegal kickbacks” and they are seeking triple damages under the Federal False Claims Act.
Taxpayers had to payout millions of dollars in Medicare and Medicaid claims and since doctors received lavish dinners, luxurious vacations and accomplishing very profitable speaking fees just for prescribing these medications, Novartis is looking at what is, so far, civil penalties and unspecified damages.
U.S. Attorney, Preet Bharara stated, “And for its investment, Novartis reaped dramatically increased profits on these drugs, and Medicare, Medicaid and other federal health care programs were left holding the bag.”
With this type of dealing, especially in such an economic climate, it is doubtful many taxpayers are going to be very forgiving about this case. Unless they are like Ms. Vaughn and find their medications are ‘working’ for them.


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