Multiple Sclerosis: A Breakthrough Is on the Way

Stuart SchlossmanMS Drug Therapies

A number of improved treatments will be available soon, and Novartis’ Fingolimod could lead the way

By Kerry Capell

When Thomas Bullock was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2001, several new treatments for the incurable, nerve-destroying condition had just hit the market. The automotive worker from Ontario spent two years on Bayer’s blockbuster Betaseron, an injectable drug that can suppress a hyperactive immune system. But instead of getting better, Bullock endured constant flu-like symptoms and numbness in his limbs. When he developed severe nerve damage, he ditched the injections. “My body just couldn’t handle it,” recalls Bullock, now 41.

Then, in 2007, he joined a clinical trial for an experimental pill, Fingolimod, from Novartis (NVS). His MS hasn’t flared up since. “This is the best shape I’ve been in for years,” he says.

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