Much to say or read of my previous medication vacations

Stuart SchlossmanAbout Stuart, An MS Patients Story

Many often ask about my medication vacation a couple of years ago, so here again are the postings:

Apr 03, 2008
My Hiatus from my MS Medication – The Pros and Cons. Why I did it, and how it affected me… At first I thought I deserved a break from using it. After all, it had been longer than a year (thankfully) since having a bad exacerbation. …

Jul 08, 2008
*My Hiatus from my MS Medication – The Pros and Cons – a valuable lesson learned…. – written April 3rd, 2008 And after what happened to me (read the stories in order of date, if you need to catch-up to present) and what I can attest, …
Jul 20, 2009
my thanks to all, who have been leaving comments concerning this matter that needs to be circulated and re-circulated time and time again… reason, there are always new people to read it and there are always those, who consider either …
Oct 15, 2009
This old posting still gets the attention of many. It was written in April 2008. My Hiatus from my MS Medication – The Pros and Cons – a valuable lesson learned… Click the above link to read. ============================================
Jan 12, 2009
My Hiatus from my MS Medication – The Pros and Cons – a valuable lesson learned…. The follow-up OF (the) “My Hiatus” Story .. An MS Story – POST HIATUS ( 3rd story in this series) …
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