MS Warrior Profile #5

Stuart SchlossmanAdditional MS resource sites, An MS Patients Story, Multiple Sclerosis

written by: Karen Gordon

February 16, 2010

By Karen

MS Warrior: noun A person who shows or has shown great vigor or courage in an activity, cause, or conflict, as in living a kick-ass, purposeful life despite – or, oftentimes because of, having Multiple Sclerosis.

Stuart Schlossman is one of those guys who know how to turn lemons into lemonade. Much needed lemonade, and lots of it.

He was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS in December 1998, and after making it through a post-diagnosis depression, he felt he had to use his skill as a mouthpiece for others and put to work his strong desire to help those with symptoms worse than his own. And so he did.

In 2008, after years of being an active leader in the MS community, he founded MS Views and News, a website and non-profit organization dedicated to the global collection and distribution of current information concerning Multiple Sclerosis. In collaboration with other organizations, it uses state-of-the-art communication channels to provide information for those affected by or interested in MS.

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