MS Views and News Inc., is seeking volunteers for various roles…

Stuart SchlossmanMS Views and News

Volunteer efforts that are needed for ‘MS Views and News Inc’ ( MSV&N) are found below.
1) Grant writing — we need Federal and State Grants to help grow this company.
2) Following up with previously submitted sponsorship requests to corporations.
3) Obtaining listings of Corporations / Philanthropists that give to “Not for Profits” that provide education and educational seminars.
4) Applying for Sponsorships with Corporations and to Philanthropists that give to “Not for Profits” that provide educational information.
5) Following up with the applied-for sponsorships.
6) Putting together fundraisers (from beginning to finish).
7) Providing our Organization Flyer to MS Centers and Neurology offices in Miami-Dade, Broward and Monroe Counties.
8) Social Media — Someone to be involved daily with facebook and/or twitter – providing our information and educating person affected by MS with and of MSV&N.
If you or anybody you know can volunteer to help us with any of the above efforts, please let us  know by writing to:

Thanking you in advance.

Stuart Schlossman

President & Founder of MS Views and News, Inc.
Editor of Stu’s Views and MS Related News

‘MS Views and News’ is unique in what we do. Bridging the gap to all major MS Organizations. Providing information and resources from our website, daily via our blog and weekly by our e-newsletter (Stu’s Views and MS Related News). 

Visit our MS Learning Channel on YouTube: