MS Related – Give me a BREAK Montel Williams

Stuart SchlossmanMisc. MS Related

written by Stuart S. – 05.26.12
There is an article that came out yesterday, shown below that makes me cringe even more than my usual cringe, when I read his articles, and his complaining.
Give me a BREAK Montel… Stop looking for pity from others who often are far worse medically and definitely far from you financially… Coming out with the statement that you only have about four years to live (shown below) from your MS?  I know several black men with MS and never heard from any of them that the MS will soon be taking their lives. I do know that they do whatever they can, medically and spiritually to stay on top of the world. Four years? 
Seriously – Stop the bitching and start taking medication again to thwart the disease progression. You did tell the world that you stopped the meds because you felt they were not doing anything for you. Maybe you could have tried something different. After all, not all medications, not everything, works for everybody… Did you try a second generation of MS Medication?
Yes Montel, I hope this note gets you so pissed-off that you will take an upper hand and not hide behind another stick of cannabis…
Stuart –  – this is, one of,  “Stu’s Views” and Just my Opinion… 

Climbing high over MS


Posted 1 day ago

Montel Williams says he only has about four years left to live — based on research and statistics on life expectancy for black men who have multiple sclerosis.
But the 55-year-old former TV talk show host, who was diagnosed with MS in 1999, has vowed to do all he can to buck the trend.
“Supposedly, I’ve got some ticking time bomb in my body. Are you kidding me?” Williams candidly tells QMI Agency in an exclusive interview. “I’m not going to wait around for 59 and die. I’m going to do everything I can to live, and live a good and productive life.
“By paying attention to my diet, exercising and taking my medication on time, I’m making a difference.”
For the past 13 years, the Emmy Award-winning host of The Montel Williams Show, produced from 1981 to 2008, has been waging a daily battle with the debilitating autoimmune disease that affects the brain and spinal cord, and for which there is no cure.
His symptoms range from extreme neuropathic pain in his lower extremities and weakness in his left hip flexor and left shoulder, to numbness in his fingers.
Despite his predominantly upbeat attitude, Williams admits he has his moments.
“Depression is a symptom of MS. There are those days when I sit around and wallow in my muck and say, ‘Woe is me,'” the married father of four reveals. “I do that for about 10 minutes until I smack myself upside the head and realize it’s worthless, it does no good. What does good is when I say, ‘You know what? I’m going to do this.’ And I feel better.”
Williams reached perhaps one of his lowest points circa 2009, when his doctor suggested during a routine checkup that it was time for the avid snowboarder to hang up his snowboard and opt for less-intense physical pursuits.
“I was so pissed. I was like, ‘Screw you, man,’ ” he recalls. 

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