MS Patients Find Comfort, Flexibility In Yoga

Stuart SchlossmanAlternative therapies and devices for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Experts say with the right supervision, exercise can help manage symptoms of multiple sclerosis, and a special Staten Island yoga program could be helping improve outcomes among MS patients. NY1’s Health reporter Kafi Drexel filed the following report.

Larissa Nusser and Denise Danton-Nizarre met eight years ago when Nusser attended Danton-Nizarre’s first ever yoga class as a student living with multiple sclerosis.
“One of the issues she was having was balancing. Throughout the class, I kept saying to her, ‘You can do it, you can do it, you can do it.’ And that sort of became our theme,” says Danton-Nizzare.
Nusser credits yoga with a dramatic change in her health outlook. So when they co-founded the You Can Do It Yoga Center in Richmond Valley, Staten Island, it seemed a natural fit to offer a special class for students living with MS. They have even created supplemental DVDs.
“I was diagnosed 10 years ago. I was in a wheelchair, actually, when I was diagnosed and I started transforming right in the first yoga class I went to,” says Nusser.
Multiple sclerosis or MS, attacks the nervous system. According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, about 400,000 Americans are living with the disease and 200 people are newly diagnosed each week. Symptoms can be moderate, with numbness in the limbs. More severe symptoms can include paralysis or vision loss.
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