If you’re struggling with the physical and mental limitations of MS, tai chi can help improve balance and ease stress through a series of flowing, coordinated movements.
If you’re struggling with the physical and mental limitations of MS, tai chi can help improve balance and ease stress through a series of flowing, coordinated movements.
By Elizabeth Shimer Bowers
Medically reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin, MD, MPH
Tai chi may improve balance and ease emotional stress in multiple sclerosis patients.
The long-practiced Chinese martial art can lower cortisol, a primary indicator of stress. Gentler than most forms of yoga, tai chi involves a set of ordered, slow motions that promote balance and coordination through thoughtful consideration of each movement and body awareness.
“People can benefit from the coordinated neuromuscular style of exercise and the greater lower-body strength and stability,” says William Helm, BS, HHP, a tai chi instructor and chairman of the body therapy department at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego.
How Tai Chi Helps MS
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